Meet in the Catholic Church hall, Our Lady Star of the Sea, 43 New Rd, Brixham TQ5 8NB.
1.30-3pm, including a tea break; (please bring £6 or pay online).
The hall is well ventilated to decrease the chance of any illness spreading, and please do not attend if you have an infectious cough or cold- thanks!
We sing songs in 3 part harmony from around the world, as well as English folk and pop, all taught by ear.
Song sheets and books are provided, and mp3’s of the harmony parts and scores when available are on the members’ page of this website.
We sing for fun and well-being primarily and do not perform that often; singing has been scientifically proven to be good for you in all ways but we knew that didn’t we?
We welcome new singers– you don’t need to sight read or audition. The Church hall is wheelchair friendly, and you can either sit or stand to sing.
We would like to welcome basses and tenors this Autumn term to create 4 part harmony, all men that can hold a tune welcome!