Global Harmony

Exeter: Exeter Phoenix , Gandy St.
Mondays, 7.30-9pm.            (4 weeks at £32 or £9 a week to drop in)
Totnes GH has now  folded after 30 years, and members have found a variety of local choirs to join, thank you to all who came along for so many years of joyful song and friendship.

Song sheets are either emailed or provided and music scores and  mp3’s when available are on the choir members’ page.

Global Harmony was formed in Totnes in 1991 – the first Community Choir of its kind (unaccompanied and with mixed voices), a second choir was started in Exeter a few years later.

We sing for the joy of singing beautiful music in harmony, for a weekly boost of uplifting energy and fun, and sing a variety of music from African and Gospel, to English and Eastern European folk, classic pop songs, and contemporary pieces.

Harmony parts are taught by ear and sheet music is often available. There is a range of ability in GH, you don’t need to be able to sight read or audition, but you must be able to hold a tune; members progress through voice work exercises at the start of each session and through exploring different musical genres.

Being a member of a community choir is a wonderful social experience, combining friendship and musical development- in other words great fun!

Here are a some tracks (below) for you to listen to from one of our GH CD’s:
1- a traditional South African song (a lament).
2-an original song by Suzannah Darling Khan written for the choir at the time of the Sarajevo war (ex GH member).
3-an original by Helen Yeomans (also ex GH) celebrating the power of song: